Bits&Pieces: Red as in crimson.

She drew closer and touched his arm,
patted his bicep with her minuscule hand and huge tramp nails,
reached up  to his shoulder and then ran her hand along his chest
and stomach trying to get way down.
Joe had taken a step back, avoiding her touch, but I still saw red.
Red as in crimson.
Crimson as in blood.
Blood as in I was going to make the bitch bleed.

¿Pa’ qué te vas a pasar trabajo fuera de Venezuela?


lo feo de Caracas

20140614_180654 Una amiga me dijo un día que no hay nada más sabroso que vivir en tu propio país, con tu gente, tu familia, amigos, la comida que te gusta, esas arepitas con las que creciste, los paisajes, el clima, tu idioma y, sobre todo, porque no tendrás problemas legales y no será necesario andar encima con un incómodo pasaporte.

Yo opino que ya la década de los noventa terminó.

Pienso que todos podemos refutar eso, o algunos estarán de acuerdo con ella, pero su forma de pensar cambió cuando punto por punto, opiné sobre su intervención. Siempre he pensado que se debe eliminar la creencia de que tu país es solo un territorio.

Venezuela no es solo un espacio geográfico al norte de la América del sur, sino lo que construiste y viviste en él. En este país yo he hecho mis amigos, tengo a mi familia, pero si me…

View original post 418 more words

Raw by Belle Aurora


>> A lot of cuss words are coming so shut your impressionable eyes if you get offended by it <<

~I’m writing these lines as I just put down this book and I am still crying like a little bitch~ 

Did I know what this book was a bout before picking it up? Yes.
Did reviews warned me about some heart-break part? Yes.
Was I warned it was fucking RAW? YES.
Did I, knowing am a tender soul with a sensible heart stopped myself from reading it? I tried. 
Did I believe it was going to be that bad? NO.
Did I listen to the warnings? NO!
Do I regret it? 


“There’s something about Twitch.
He’s just…raw.
Everything about him is raw. And gritty. And unbound.
He’s a raging fire. And I’m a fragile moth fluttering into the flame.

Sooner or later, I’m going to get burned. I know this.

Will I even survive the heat?”


It starts creepily. Really creepily, but you’ll get over that fast enough. Later is all about Lexi wanting him with all her might..

“What you want me to be…I can’t ever be. It’s not me.” My face turns cold. “I’m the villain in this story.”

Now see, this for me, is the story of how a Sociopath is irrevocablyobsessed-consumed-inlove-inlust with a woman and stalks her.
And how said woman knows about it, and likes it.
A story about how she falls in love with him, and how in his own way, he’s deadly in love too.
A story of love gone wrong

He’s BAD. Simple as that. In every sense of the word, don’t get hopeful. He’s bad in the “he can kill you and smile while washing his hands off your blood” sense. Bad. 
But Oh, So, Fucking, GOOD to/with Lexi.. 
Or at least he tries. At times reluctantly, at times consciously, always heartwarmingly..

She, she’s the epitome of a Good Girl. not that I’m stereotyping her. But, really, she is. A goody-goody. A save-the-kids, end world hunger and universalize single handedly world peace; kind of Gal.
But still she wasn’t a pushover. She wanted Twitch so she did what she needed to do to get him. She demeaned herself some, as much as she lashed out the truth to his face, but mostly she tried and gave it all to him.
I liked her. 
She wanted to save him? Just have him? Just love him? Just understand him?
I don’t think it matters. 

She’s in fucking love with her meanassed Stalker.
The same one who can be so torturously wonderful as he can be a terrifying monster.
The one who won’t let her go.

Not that she minded, she was all in, in that crazy dynamic.. And I was right there with her wanting him.


Except this is NOT a Happy Love Story.

There is constant heartache

  I don't feel alright,in spite of 
these comforting sounds you make.
I don't feel alright because 
you make promises that you break.

You have a guy that’s just broken, damaged without repair

A woman set out by herself for heartbreak


“Love is love. It don’t discriminate. And it sure as fuck don’t wait ‘til you’re ready for it.” Twitch 

HOT Factor you may be wondering?
“Number three, you’re so fucking hot when you get worked up that I would really like for you to suck my cock. And when I say I would really like that, I mean suck my cock, Lexi. Now.” 

Yeah, that’s Twitch. The things they’re into I wasn’t into until I started picturing them with him. 

And so I started getting comfy in between the dysfunction..

But THEN I just knew

I knew it was coming..

And so everything started breaking!

Not that it was easy before but on those last pages, I realized





~I’m now just pouting every 30 seconds by this point, if you were wondering ~

But the truth is, this book is worth it.. I can’t really pinpoint something, is just .. is the most bittersweet feeling… ever to be had while finishing a book.. You are inmensly sad and angry and done with life and love and puppies, but at the same time IT WAS FUCKING WORTH IT.
– That being said by someone who ONLY believes in HEAs, so take that in mind..
So, so worth it!!

Because the ending, is just not what you’re expecting…




Venezuela, el país de los políticos imbéciles

Muy Buenos días a quienes pueden tenerlo a sabiendas de que en la calle están asesinando a sus hermanos venezolanos.

Yo personalmente soy persona de ser o muy concreta o muy extensa, y en este momento de tanta parafrasearía considero oportuno ir al grano y tocar un punto clave que se continúa obviando en estas conferencias de “diálogo” (les cuento que dar charlas y monólogos, no es diálogo). En fin…

Esta carta abierta va dirigida a los politicoides que presiden mi país. Presidente, ministros, gobernadores, alcaldes y demás burócratas cuya administración continúa faltándole el respeto a su gente con sus gestiones sumamente deficientes.

Quiero aclararles a los sentados cómodamente que vemos en tv nacional “debatir” aspectos muy graves, con una seriedad que raya en burla por parecer más actuación que sentimiento o por ser muy cómodas en término y muy etéreas en profundidad; unas cuantas cositas. Les explico políticos, ustedes no son Venezuela, ustedes son un grupo pequeño de asalariados a quienes les corresponde velar por que las exigencias de más de 29 millones de habitantes sean cubiertas. A nosotros, ustedes y sus desacuerdos retórico-idealistas no nos importan, pero a ustedes por deber y honor al cargo tiene que importarles en primera instancia nuestras necesidades y comodidades.

Sentarse bien tranquilos a hablar de “los problemas” es muy fácil con aire acondicionado y la seguridad de un sueldo quince y último. Ustedes con su necesidad de ser vistos y reconocidos, de ser protagonistas de novela y no mandatarios respetables, convirtieron un problema muy delicado, trascendental y urgente en una pelea de egos y carteras. Parece importar más quién tiene mayor material para hundir al otro, que resolver los problemas que nos atañen. O peor, sentarse con la cara bien lavada a decir que “todo está bien” cuando tu gente no sale sola después de las 7pm ni a la panadería por miedo a que los maten. El “diálogo” no es entre corbatudos en una sala cerrada, el diálogo se hace en la calle, porque es en la calle que pasamos el día a día, y somos la gente en la calle quienes los escogimos y a quienes ustedes se deben, no al revés.

En este punto mi crítica es para los dos bandos, sí, indudablemente andan jugando al yo-yo con la vida de millones de venezolanos desesperados por soluciones y no por seguir escuchando más y más problemas. Pero primordialmente en este punto responsabilizo categóricamente al gobierno de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, en su vasta mayoría “rojito” por escogencia propia, defensores incansables y fanáticos del difunto ex presidente Hugo Chávez. Ustedes con su famosa mayoría en la Asamblea y mayoría histórica por más de 13 años en ejercicio, han traído al país en donde está ahora. Las responsabilidades de todo lo que las personas de a pie no tenemos control, fue, es y sigue siendo suya. Sus discursos redundantes donde constantemente se omiten realidades son una vergüenza pública para millones dentro y fuera del país. Su constante ansia por responsabilizar a cualquiera hace 20 años o en otro planeta, con tal de nunca asumir las culpas propias, es una falta de honor humillante para quienes en ustedes han depositado su confianza.

Y por cierto, sincerarse no es sino la mitad del primer paso, nadie come ni se cura con la admisión pública de una falta. En nuestros hospitales no hay ni gasa, en muchas casas falta el pan, y ustedes bien vestidos y cepilladitos, bien comidos y descansados, parecen haberse olvidado en sus “diálogos” de incluirnos a los que somos real mayoría y sin embargo no tenemos voz, y por sobretodo, se han olvidado de tratar y resolver los problemas reales del venezolano de a pie. Por cierto, de a pie, no “pata en el suelo”, señor Nicolás Maduro; los venezolanos vestidos del color que sea y hablando machucado o siseando, todos nos paramos bien tempranito, golpe de 5 ’e la mañana y pateamos calle duro para echar pa’ lante, compadre, porque mientras ustedes parecen ingeniárselas para ponérnosla cada vez más difícil, uno sigue buscando maneras de rebuscarse.

 Esta no es una rivalidad de taxistas contra buhoneros, de cocineros contra maestros o de obreros contra gerentes, esta es una lucha del pueblo contra sus dirigentes, contra un gobierno que hace lo que critica, que no hace lo que promete, que se olvida y no reconoce, que no resuelve sino que causa más problemas.

Y a la dirigencia opositora se le olvidó esto. Los políticos opositores, relajados o amenazados, cobardes o arriesgados, siguen retozando en el juego de los yo-yos y no están luchando ni por todos por igual ni por su gente ni por nadie más que no sea los que le convienen en el momento. Uno se siente desamparado. Como que quienes nos lideran son guate-mala y guate-peor, como que toditos ustedes cenan asado en casa de Diosdado y en público van y juegan a mirarse feo. Y no es más que responsabilidad de ustedes mismos, por Dios, basta de lloriqueos. Si usted critica la hipocresía no sea hipócrita, si critica la corrupción no sea corrupto, y si critica la maldad no ignore a los muchachos que confiados en su apoyo salieron a protestar cívicamente y fueron asesinados por bandos no identificados por la justicia venezolana (así como los más de 24 mil matados en 2013) o fueron arrestados con maltratos por parte de funcionarios del Estado. ¿A qué le van los dirigentes de los opositores? ¿Qué quieren lograr? ¿Por quienes luchan ustedes? ¿Son en verdad dignos de representar a un bando tan dilatado pero segmentado? ¿O son ustedes otro tipo de rojitos en busca del poder y el re-nombre sin ganas de asumir responsabilidades y renuentes a pagar penalizaciones por sus faltas?

“Venezuela, el país de lo posible” dicho en el tono más lóbrego. “Estás en Venezuela, haz lo que te dé la gana” dicho del modo más mordaz. ¡BASTA! Estamos hastiados de que nuestro país sea una burla, de que nuestras madres tengan que decir llorosas “al menos no me lo mataron” o el terrible “nadie sabe qué pasó con mi hijo”. No ganamos ni la mitad de lo que sale un buen mercado, y si uno se pone a buscar las cosas que no hay y hacer esas colas pierde uno o dos días de trabajo. No es justo. Parece casi hasta irreal cuando uno se pone a echar cuentos de lo que nos pasa cada día en las ciudades y pueblos de este país, una vez sumamente hermoso. Hoy no sabría decirles qué tan hermoso está mi país, porque se nos dañó el carro y no conseguimos repuestos o sale demasiado caro;  si me voy en bus nos puede pasar como a mi tía a quienes en la vía a Mérida los desvalijaron a todos los pasajeros; porque cuando fui a la playa con mi novio presenciamos mataron a un chamo y los policías cerca no hicieron nada; porque la última vez que fui a lo Medanos le abrieron el carro a mi primo y le llevaron todo; porque en Venezuela solían sobrar las historias de luchadores que logran vivir mejor pero hoy en día todos los cuentos son para echarse a llorar por el desasosiego, a menos que sean los cuentos de esos allegados que uno sabe que están robando y tiene sus buenas camionetas y casita en Tucacas. ¿A dónde va parar nuestro país si sus habitantes continúan dejando la moral en la puerta de casa con la excusa de que “necesitan comer”?

Estamos cansados de ser presididos por imbéciles, mentirosos y cara lavada, por cómodos propagadores de la descomposición socio-cultural, por yo-istas ineficientes, retóricos balurdos; y sobre todo, estamos hastiados y asqueados de seguir siendo presididos por personas que son capaces de sentarse de manera muy oportuna a “debatir” mientras en gestión se sigue haciendo lo mismo y peor. Porque nuestros políticos se encargan de quebrar aún más nuestra débil cultura y principios, mientras uno sufre para dormirse con la conciencia pesada y aún los bolsillos vacíos.

Problema multi-causal, poli-consecuencial, arraigado en la historia, llámelo como lo quiera llamar, el punto es que hay un problema y en estos “debates” no se está solucionando nada. El hampa sigue trabajando 24/7, el sueldo cada quince alcanza para menos, las medicinas me están costando un ojo de la cara y en el colegio le quieren enseñar a mi chamo que la maldad es justificada si tu nombre es Ernesto Guevara.


Elianne Ferrer.

At Peace by Kristen Ashley

It’ll be really hard to write a review of this book since it’s one of my favorite love stories ever, so I’ll just mostly tell you a bit about what it did to me. Lets see.

I’ll start with admitting I have it on my cellphone and every once in a while (actually, often) I’d find my self re-reading bits of it, my favorite ones and discovering new ones I love, or ones I didn’t remember and then I end up reading the whole thing again because it is completely worth reading a bunch of times. That, being said by someone who doesn’t re-read books even twice.

We have this long complicated, page turner, sleep depraving story. Vi has a stalker and since he killed her husband now she’s living in the ‘Burg with her two daughters. She is the neighbor of all things hot Joe Callahan (who is part huge, part hot, part super hot, part Italian, part broken). She gets on and off, and hot on and hot off again with him. Has cool people like Feb and Colt living down the street. Also she has a fling with sexy, sweet Mike. Her stalker keeps lurking around all through it. Her brother was an instant fall hard for me too. And a bunch and hundred other things that happen in this book. But mostly, for me, is about Joe falling for Vi and getting inside her, Kate and Keiry’s lives.

I am, to this day, madly in love with Joe Callahan. He is the epitome of alpha, embodiment of every sexual fantasy I’ve had, and he is essentially everything I wish for in a man. In fact I get utterly frustrated now when I read books and the heroes are often too much of a pussy (pardon my french). Yes, he is mostly a douchebag for half the book or so, but he had good reasons and he actually really felt deep for her. For me, it was easy to love him from the star despite his jerkness because KA gave us his POV and I got him, I really did even if I didn’t agree with how he acted.

Vi, well I can’t say I agree with many decisions she made, but I kinda got her and she was straight forward all along so I let most of them fly. Her kids, wow, made me want to have sisters. Joe, I love you. Bea and her husband, super sweet. Their story of Tim and Vi younger and building a family with their support brought tears to my eyes (well, most o this book did that to me, but just saying).

I don’t know what else can I say about this book. It is profoundly emotional, it wraps you tight around the characters and their lives, to a point where you feel like you are somehow a part of it too. It had many, many ups and downs. Sweet moments, sad ones, laugh at loud and want-to-moan-at-loud ones (ups), some where you want to rip people head’s off, and not one single page is boring or skippable. It is a contemporary romance book masterpiece.

A book that set unconscious standards for me, and now makes me struggle to like another love story.

If I could give it ten stars I would. LOVED IT!

From Rags by Suzanne Wright

OMG what a greeat read! I absolutely loved it!

This book is pretty much everything the description tells you it is, a hot funny romance between Jaxx, such a strong heroine I think I wanna be her, and Connor, such a clueless alpha male I indeed want him for myself. 

Jaxx and Connor lived together on foster care 8 years ago, she loved him and she was pretty much everything to him, but then he had to leave when his 16 birthday came along and life went awfully different for the two. When Connor left, he became a F1 driver, but 2 years later when Jaxx did, after filling a full bag of crap that happened to her, she still lived in the lowest areas of London. But things changed, she became a model and soon their reunion made their senses explode. It all goes on between being fuck buddies to becoming friends again. Or somewhat that.

Jaxx is probably one of my favorite h ever! She is strong in every sense of the word and yet she has this sweet side to her, she has a foul mouth but what an honest and funny one it is, she does not take crap from any one and is so down to earth is a bath of fresh air.
Connor, is the classic rich playboy, a straight forward commitment phobe, but oh what a loveable character he is! Of course the only girl that gets to him is Jaxx, precisely the only one who asks him to “sod off” repeatedly.

He has been possessive towards her since they were teenagers, but things had changed and Jaxx doesn’t want him in her life, so they had to work with the other’s apprehensions. I loved the honesty of both Connor and Jaxx! They both say to each other what they want and what they won’t give. They fight, they make up, they want each other, they crave the other, but Connor refuses to settle down and Jaxx refuses to fall for him, again, and get hurt, again. 
But well, they get together, things steam up, an ex girlfriend enters the picture, a stalker gets involved, and the great second characters make it all more fantastic!

I really don’t want to spoil the book, so the only thing you should know is that it’s a more than worthy read full of sparks, funny moments, sad memories, struggles, and love; a light book with deepness to it.
A total 5 stars for me, but then again, I’m a sucker for this kind of books 


I’ve cried a million tears

I've cried a million tears

This a quote from a song by Brandon Flowers called Jacksonville.
It has always stuck with me because of how true it is.

Last night a friend of mine made me cry. And shortly after I remembered a time not so long ago when I hurt him.
karma, maybe.

But the truth is, life’s a circle and as we are not exempt from hurting, we are also not exempt from hurting others.

Be careful, be mindful, be loving.


Quality in education, people.

This is the god’s honest truth right here.
And if you even think to say he was “disrespectful” to the teacher, then listen again at how incredibly disrespectful that teacher is, not only or the way she acted here but for the things she did to lead that guy to lose it. Or is it that just sitting ’round and handing out notes is all you gotta do as a teacher? Mi mom is a teacher and I’ve grown up seeing as she loses sleep, patience and a little bit of sanity while caring and trying to help out each one of her students. Because she loves what she does, and she cares. Aren’t all teacher supposed to be there cause they like to freaking teach?? Why would you even go to college to become a teacher if you can’t stand students, paperwork, and actually t-e-a-c-h-i-n-g. It just pisses me off. I’m not saying all teachers are the same clueless, uninterested jackasses, but I’ve had some and know are a lot more out there, who just frustrate their students, disappoint them, and subconsciously make them care less and less about school, education, and even career wise. No, I’m not saying all students are little angels who deserve the world handed to them, but surely all deserve the chance to have a teacher who reaches their heart and make them actually want to be better and learn. I’ve had them, so I know its not impossible. I’ve had teachers who are so good, even the kids who failed loved them; because they recognize the fault was in themselves and not the guy who boosted his balls to teach them properly and nicely.
For me is not even about knowledge. Yeah, the guy could have worked at NASA, but what if he just sits around and passes a badly made power point presentation and doesn’t even bother to explain it, nor read it out loud, not even wait a little for you to finish reading, and so on!! To me, is about the way they teach, them wanting to make you a more cultured person, they trying hard and not giving up on the students, they *wanting* to teach.
No, I’m not saying is all hearts an flowers. I know all about the paychecks, but believe me, if they loved what they did, it wouldn’t be so awful cause they would enjoy it.
Why is private education so much better? Because they just fire whoever is not doing their job right, because they get paid better, because they have better resources? I believe, as all of us do, that the problem is the system. If public education is failing, what could the government do to make it better? Is easy and yet so “unthinkable” for them. Make teaching a high profile career, not one you study if you couldn’t get into another university, but one people look forward to study. How many people have we heard saying they would have liked to teach but they didn’t want to “starve”? Which is true, is too badly paid, so the salaries are obviously an issue too. And finally, give everything you can to a qualified teacher and if he doesn’t reach the proper standard, out with him. Done. You don’t waste any more public money, don’t waste the teachers time but make him go back and do something they’re actually good for, and don’t waste precious student time. Which obviously doesn’t come back, as neither does the nation’s future.

I apologize for grammar and composition mistakes, my first language is Spanish.
I was just gonna post the vid, but got excited in the process and ranted a bit as well. I know nothing is as easy as talking about it, but looking for ways to improve definitely helps. If you disagree with me, feel free to write to me and we can discuss, but I ask you to please avoid being coarse or insulting. Let’s respect everyone’s opinion, key? xo